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壁 bi

Home Pinyin bi

壁板 bìbǎn wainscot

壁橱 bìchú closet

壁虎 bìhǔ gecko; geckos

壁画 bìhuà fresco; frescoes; mural

壁垒 bìlěi rampart

壁炉 bìlú fireplace

壁球 bìqiú squash

壁纸 bìzhǐ wallpaper; wallpapering; wallpapers

壁柱 bìzhù pilaster

舱壁 cāngbì bulkhead; bulkheads

赤壁 chìbì chibi

戈壁 gēbì gobi

隔壁 gébì next door

绝壁 juébì escarpment

面壁 miànbì face wall

墙壁 qiángbì wall

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce